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An SNA Social Media Case Study

The School Nutrition Association of Connecticut (SNACT) launched their first state-wide School Nutrition Recognition Week campaign (May 3-7, 2021) in conjunction with School Nutrition Hero Day (May 7,) a proclamation from the governor, and their annual award ceremony. This was on the heels of their “5 Reasons Why it’s Time to Try School Meals” campaign just six weeks prior. School Nutrition Recognition Week consisted of content recognizing school nutrition programs in their state, industry partners, community and non-profit organizations that supported school nutrition, the award ceremony, School Nutrition Hero Day celebrations and a Facebook Live video.

The following are screenshots and data gathered on May 8, 2021, one day after the campaign was over. The audience for this campaign was broad – anyone living in Connecticut. SNACT and SEA Level Social agreed that this was a school nutrition awareness campaign. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and friends should all be aware of what school nutrition programs do for their communities.

Appropriate hashtags and tags were used to optimize SNACT’s reach on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, such as tagging nonprofit and industry partners in every post possible.

We wrapped up the social media blitz with a Facebook Live message from SNACT President Erica Biagetti.

Results: The Facebook Ad and School Nutrition Recognition Week Campaign actively engaged SNACT members and significantly raised awareness of what school nutrition programs do in Connecticut. It celebrated the amazing accomplishments of SNACT members this past year and was by far the most active social media campaign of any state association in honor of School Lunch Hero Day.


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